
Early Investigators Forum in San Francisco

The Trainee and Career Development Core Committee, in collaboration with the Research Affairs Core Committee, hosted the 2012 Early Investigators Workshop on September 28 and 29 in San Francisco. Thirty-two postdoctoral and clinical fellows attended this unique two-day program, which offered an in-depth introduction to hypothesis-driven clinical research and/or translational research along with invaluable advice...

Two Orals Fail in a T2DM Patient

A 63-year-old Hispanic woman who has been under your care for 10 years was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes (T2DM) 6 years ago. In addition to long-standing hypertension and hypercholesterolemia, she has a BMI (body-mass index) of 31 kg/m2 and a family history of cardiovascular disease. However, she has never had a cardiovascular event and...

A Renaissance for Long-Acting Reversible Contraception

The intrauterine device (IUD) has come a long way since the 1970s when many were pulled off the market after being linked to pelvic inflammation, infections, and even death. The modern redesigned IUDs, plus recommended testing for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) prior to insertion, have all but eradicated such complications, allowing a new generation of...

Rx for Reducing Health Disparities in Type 2 Diabetes

Over the past 30 years, the U.S. population living in poverty has become increasingly obese while wealthier income brackets have maintained lower body mass indexes (BMIs). This trend is a reversal of the global correlation of BMI and income. Why are the poor seemingly overfed in America and starving elsewhere? An excess of food may...

Iodides from Imaging Studies Linked to Thyroid Dysfunction

There’s more evidence that clinicians and patients should think twice about that imaging study. A new analysis finds that a higher risk of thyroid dysfunction is strongly associated with the iodide exposure involved in CT scans and cardiac catheterizations Some 80 million doses of iodinated contrast media are given for imaging studies worldwide each year,...

If you are looking for a resource to ensure your endocrinology practice is up to date with legal and medical news, want to ensure you are meeting your patients’ needs to the best of your ability, and wish to be aware of recent advances in endocrinology, then Endocrine News has the right tools for you. Our Practice page is dedicated to providing information that is helpful and insightful for those running an endocrinology practice. Here you will find a collection of articles that provide current, relevant and vital information to help with your decisions as you run your practice.

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