

More and more doctors and their patients are successfully utilizing telemedicine, which keeps office visits to minimum.

A pediatric case study from ESAP

PERPLEXING CONGENITAL HYPOTHYROIDISM INCIDENT IN A NEWBORN: A Case Study From Pediatric ESAP™ A nine-month-old female infant has congenital hypothyroidism that was initially detected through the state newborn program. On day one of life, her total T4 concentration (on blood spot analysis) was 5.0 μg/dL (

Endocrine Self-Assessment Program: Explanation for a Decreased Libido

A36-year-old man presents for evaluation of fatigue and decreased libido. Over the past six months, he has noted a progressive decline in his energy level, as well as in sexual function. He has few, if any, morning erections and is unable to sustain an erection to have intercourse. He has also noted a decreased frequency...

A TODDLER’S SUDDEN ILLNESS: A Case Study from Pediatric ESAP

A two-year-old boy is admitted to the hospital for spitting up and poor feeding. He was reportedly healthy until the week of this hospital admission, although his slow growth and lack of weight gain have been a consistent problem for which no definite diagnosis has been given. He was born after a full-term pregnancy to...

Hypertension ESAP Case

HYPERTENSION MYSTERY: A Case Study From ESAP™ A45-year-old woman presents with a nine-year history of hypertension. Her current antihypertensive medications include amlodipine, 10 mg daily; lisinopril, 20 mg daily; and KCl, 20 mEq twice daily. Her serum sodium concentration is 143 mEq/L, and her serum potassium concentration is 3.5 mEq/L. She has no family history...


A51-year-old man has had combined hyperlipidemia for years without cardiovascular complications. He has been treated with a variety of lipid-lowering agents, but is not taking any medication now. His mother also has a mixed dyslipidemia, wiThelevations of both triglycerides and LDL cholesterol, and had a stroke at age 71 years. His maternal uncle has combined...

Precocious Puberty: A Case Study From PEDIATRIC ESAP

A 5-year-old girl presents to your office with a history of breast buds and vaginal bleeding. Laboratory studies done by her pediatrician show an elevated estradiol concentration with LH and FSH levels below the detection limit of the assays. Her medical history is notable for several long bone fractures associated with minimal trauma. Radiographs from...

If you are looking for a resource to ensure your endocrinology practice is up to date with legal and medical news, want to ensure you are meeting your patients’ needs to the best of your ability, and wish to be aware of recent advances in endocrinology, then Endocrine News has the right tools for you. Our Practice page is dedicated to providing information that is helpful and insightful for those running an endocrinology practice. Here you will find a collection of articles that provide current, relevant and vital information to help with your decisions as you run your practice.

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On Endocrine News, you will also find the clinical news specific to the field of endocrinology that will help you make the best possible decisions for your clinic and your patients. From recent discoveries to research studies, you will have access to the most accurate and recent information available in the field. All of the reports, results and studies you need to see are here for you to search.

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In addition to the technical and medical industry research and reports you will find here, Endocrine News has the resources you need to keep your practice profitable and effective. From legal advice and tips to time management and patient interaction recommendations, you’ll find advice, insight and more that will help you run an efficient clinic that keeps your patients’ needs at the forefront of all you do.