While bariatric surgery has been shown to improve a number of metabolic conditions, some patients experience negative outcomes. Educating both the clinician and the patient is vital, as is lifelong follow-up.
Aside from the expected effects the gut microbiome has on metabolism, researchers are finding more find more consequences from the ecosystem inside every GI tract. From hypertension to depression, the gut microbiome
infl uences the entire
human body.
The clinical observation that bariatric surgery seemingly “cures” type 2 diabetes has generated intensive research in humans and animal models to identify the mechanisms underlying the metabolic benefits gained from these procedures. A bariatric-surgeon-in-practice, a clinical researcher, and a basic researcher all provide unique perspectives on this phenomenon. The prevalence of obesity and its comorbidities,...
As obesity numbers rise, diseases associated with dysregulated metabolism
are sure to see their numbers rise as well. New research provides
even more causal links between obesity and breast cancer
Super-Sized Youth: The Ongoing Epidemic of Childhood Obesity
As childhood obesity reaches epidemic proportions, ailments once confined to adults are being diagnosed in younger patients. New studies show that childhood adversities and PFC exposure are contributing factors to this growing scourge
While healthcare professionals continue to debate whether the right foods and spices are a substitute for medications, science is emerging that could indicate these alternative remedies might benefit some chronic health conditions.
Weapons of Mass Destruction: Neuroendocrine Control of Body Weight
A basic researcher, a clinical researcher, and a clinical practitioner discuss how past research can be a valuable learning tool for future obesity treatments.