
Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals May Impair Bone Health in Teen Boys

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and phthalates (two types of endocrine-disrupting chemicals) may be associated with lower bone mineral density in male teens, according to a new study published in the Endocrine Society’s Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. Endocrine-disrupting chemicals are chemicals or mixtures of chemicals that interfere with the way the body’s hormones work. Per- and...

Groups Petition FDA to Restrict BPA in Food Packaging

The Endocrine Society joined a coalition of physicians, scientists, and public health and environmental organizations to send a formal petition to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), calling on the agency to rescind its approvals for bisphenol A (BPA) in adhesives and coatings and set strict limits on its use in plastics that contact food....

EU Chemicals Strategy Advances Endocrine Society EDC Priorities

As the European Commission makes progress towards implementation of the Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability (CSS), the Endocrine Society continues to provide input to ensure that the strategy modernizes the European Union’s approach to identification and regulation of endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs). Our members are providing feedback in several different ways, including as a member of the...

PFAS Exposure Can Affect Women’s Ability to Breastfeed

Women with higher levels of PFAS in their system may be 20% more likely to stop breastfeeding early, according to a new study published in the Endocrine Society’s Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are manmade chemicals used as oil and water repellents and coatings for common products including cookware, carpets and...

Mother and Child: Pregnancy Exposures Can Have Unintended Effects in Later Life for Both Offspring and Mother

Two studies from the all-virtual ENDO 2021 focused on how pregnancy is impacted by endocrine-disrupting chemicals. From both ends of the umbilical cord, research shows that both mothers and offspring feel the effects of these chemicals, sometimes for generations to come.   In 2009, the Endocrine Society’s first Scientific Statement on endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) was...

Endocrine Society Participates in European Union Activity to Advise on Implementation of its Chemical Strategy

The Endocrine Society achieved a major victory in the new European Union (EU) Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability (CSS) by including several priority actions on endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) within the strategy. The CSS commits the EU towards a series of actions to better protect citizens and the environment and promote innovation in safe and sustainable chemicals....

Endocrine Disruptors: Research And Articles

Endocrine disrupting chemicals are a serious risk to the modern individual. Found in everything from food to household decor, these chemicals cause serious problems with hormone production and hormone balance, and as such cause health problems when consumed in large quantities.

Doctors and patients alike need to understand the latest research and resources surrounding endocrine disruptors so they can properly decide treatment and prevention methods to protect endocrine health. Endocrine News has compiled the most resent reports, research and articles on this topic on this page for your convenience.

Articles on Endocrine Disruptors

On this page, you will find a number of articles on endocrine disruptors from trustworthy sources in the endocrinology field. As a doctor, you can use these articles to provide important information to your patients to help them better protect their hormone health. You can also access these articles to update your understanding and knowledge of endocrine disrupting chemicals as you seek to provide your patients with the best possible care and advice.

In addition to helping doctors, these articles help patients. Patients can access these articles to study endocrine disruptors for themselves; learn more about health concerns, like reproductive disorders and obesity, which are linked to these chemicals; and learn about how to avoid the chemicals in day-to-day life.

Recent Research into Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals

In addition to informational articles, this page has a collection of research and studies into endocrine disruptors, their effects and steps one can take to avoid them. These research studies are pioneering knowledge and a better understanding of the full impact of these dangerous chemicals.

Expert Opinions on Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals

Finally, the Endocrine Disruptors page on Endocrine News features expert opinions from leading doctors and endocrinology research groups on the subject of endocrine disruptors. By visiting this page regularly, doctors can remain well informed about new opinions on this important topic.