
Diets Avoiding Dry-Cooked Foods Can Protect Against Diabetes

Simple changes in how we cook could go a long way towards preventing diabetes, say researchers at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. A new randomized controlled trial funded by the National Institutes of Health and by the National Institute of Research Resources, published in Diabetologia, found that obese individuals with signs of...

SPECIAL: Hypoglycemia: A Comprehensive Approach in the U.S.

Introducing a Comprehensive Blueprint to Address the Diabetes Complication of Hypoglycemia. The Endocrine Society leads effort to reduce the incidence of hypoglycemia by developing a comprehensive blueprint with diabetes stakeholders recommending actions for how the community can effect change. Download a complete version of the Blueprint, including references.  The numbers are increasing and are alarming:...

Congressional Perspective on Diabetes

congresswoman-photo-dld-high-res-5x7_1 Diabetes is having an ever-greater impact on our country, and as a result, more people are becoming alert to its dangers. But we still have a long way to go to ensure that those who might be affected by the disease are alert to it. And there’s a strong need for advocacy to ensure that...

NIDDK Perspectives on Diabetes

NIDDK director Griffin Rodgers and Judith Fradkin, NIDDK’s director of the Division of Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases responded to questions by Endocrine News about future opportunities and challenges in diabetes research. EN: What are the opportunities and challenges in diabetes research? The prevalence, costs, and human burden associated with diabetes create both opportunities and...

Case of the Month: Diabetes

esap cover This issue highlights a special edition of ESAP, available for a limited time. Test your clinical knowledge with this free case to discover the rich intellectual legacy of endocrinology. Available on the online store. Clinical Vignette A 40-year-old woman is referred for evaluation and management of diabetes mellitus. She has had diabetes for 8 years—it...

Some Insulin Pumps Vulnerable to Hackers

ping Although it sounds like a plot to a Michael Crichton novel, some insulin pumps could be hacked via a cyber security bug, according to a report from NBC News. Johnson & Johnson is informing patients that cyber pirates could potentially hack into the devices and potentially cause an overdose. While the company’s executives know of...

Diabetes Research Articles

Get the most up to date news on diabetes research and treatment. For more information read the latest issue of Endocrine News.