
Clinical Features and Outcomes in Children with Adrenocortical Tumors without Germline TP53 Mutations Described

Researchers have described clinical features and outcomes in children with adrenocortical tumors (ACTs) without germline TP53 mutations, according to a study recently published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology. Emilia Modolo Pinto, PhD, Raul C. Ribeiro, MD, and colleagues of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis, Tenn., point out that ACTs are cancers caused...

The Myth of Adrenal Fatigue

When patients present claiming that stress has worn out their adrenal glands, it can be easy to discount their belief in “adrenal fatigue” — but they often have real symptoms that require treatment. If more proof is needed that the Internet provides a wealth of information and misinformation, endocrinologists need to look no further than...

Case of the Month: New ESAP Edition

esap 2017 cover This case highlights newest edition of Endocrine Self-Assessment Program (ESAP), which is also available as a bundle with our special edition ESAP. Available on the online store. Clinical Vignette A 32-year-old woman with panhypopituitarism recently moved to your city and sees you in consultation for her ongoing care. At age 12 years a craniopharyngioma was...

Clinical Trial Initiated to Evaluate Cushing’s Syndrome Drug

A Phase 2 clinical trial evaluating the safety and efficacy of a novel oral drug candidate for patients with endogenous Cushing’s syndrome was announced by the drug’s manufacturer, Millendo Therapeutics, Inc. The drug, ATR-101,  is an adrenal-selective small molecule inhibitor of ACAT1. It is also being studied in an ongoing Phase 2 clinical trial in patients...

New Phase 2 Trial for Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia Drug Initiated

A new phase 2 clinical trial to test the efficacy of a new drug to treat the rare inherited disorder congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) will soon be underway. CAH is caused by a steroidogenic enzyme deficiency that is characterized by overgrowth of the adrenal glands, adrenal insufficiency, and androgen excess. The most frequent form of...

Adrenal Cancer: Hope on the Horizon

With an estimated worldwide occurrence of only 200 patients each year, adrenal cancer is so rare that most endocrinologists will never have to deal with it. While this paucity of cases makes drug trials difficult, potential new treatments are generating hope. Of all the cancers that strike the body’s endocrine system, adrenal cortical carcinoma (ACC)...

Eureka! Top Endocrinology Discoveries of 2015: A Year in Review

eureka Endocrine News has compiled the leading breakthroughs in endocrine research over the course of the past year with the help from 11 editors from Endocrine Reviews. From genetic research to new thyroid cancer drugs, amazing progress is being made in the field of endocrinology. Each year brings us a little closer to solving complex endocrine...

Adrenal Disorders And Adrenal Cancer Information

Though rare, affecting around 200 people per year, adrenal cancer is no less devastating when a family faces a diagnosis. Because it’s so rare, getting access to the right information and treatment is challenging. It’s not uncommon for a patient with this diagnosis to find that his or her doctor has never faced adrenal cancer before. For that reason, a trusted resource for accurate and timely information is critical to the modern endocrinology practice.

In addition, benign adrenal tumors, which affect one out of every 10 people who have an imaging test done of the adrenal gland, can have serious health effects. To help doctors and patients understand adrenal diseases, including tumors and cancers, Endocrine News has collected a number of recent and relevant articles on the topic on this page. For the information you need about adrenal disease, bookmark this page and refer to it on a regular basis.

Clinical Trials and Recent Research Studies

For doctors to make informed decisions for their patients about adrenal disorders, they need accurate information about the most recent research studies and clinical trials. Sometimes, accessing that information is not easy, especially for rare disorders and diseases. Endocrine News brings all of that research into one place, providing the data you need to make the right decisions for your practice and your patients.

 Providing Hope for Adrenal Cancer Patients

For patients who have been diagnosed with adrenal cancer, this page will provide a measure of hope by offering insight into adrenal cancer treatments. Since only about 200 patients are diagnosed with this particular disease each year, endocrinologists are often unprepared to treat it. Here, however, doctors and patients can find information about what treatment options are available. Research about new, promising treatments will also be posted here as it comes available, providing hope to patients and doctors alike.