The Endocrine Society is committed to improving awareness and understanding of endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in the U.S. and globally. Since the 2009 release of its Scientifi c Statement on EDCs, the Society has advocated for more research on EDCs and for the endocrine perspective to be incorporated into chemical risk assessment paradigms. Because of the...
The Endocrine Society is committed to improving awareness and understanding of endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in the U.S. and globally. Since the 2009 release of its Scientifi c Statement on EDCs, the Society has advocated for more research on EDCs and for the endocrine perspective to be incorporated into chemical risk assessment paradigms. Because of the...
Brussels Events Build Society’s Reputation as Thought Leader in EDC Field
On November 11, 2014, the Society hosted a special event for members of the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium. More than 30 people attended the Society’s presentation, including four members of the European Parliament (MEPs) as well as other policy makers, journalists, and representatives from environmental health non-governmental organizations. MEPs Sirpa Pietikainen (Finland) and Pavel...
Society Members Bring Endocrine Perspective to Global Meeting on Chemical Management
On December 15 through 17, the Endocrine Society discussed key endocrine concepts and principles that should be incorporated into the SAICM. Endocrine Society experts from the Global EDC Task Force, Th omas Zoeller, PhD, Jean-Pierre Bourguignon, MD, PhD, and Riana Bornman, MBChB, delivered comments at the second meeting of the SAICM Open-ended Working Group in...
Inside Washington: What to Expect from the New Congress The 114th Congress officially opened January 5 in WAshington, D.C., with Republicans in the majority in both the House of Representatives and the Senate setting up one agenda while Democrat Barack obama has the authority of the presidential veto in the White House. The Endocrine Society...
Society Hosts Key Diabetes Stakeholders, Senator Daschle to Discuss 2015 Outlook
On December 4, Endocrine Society hosted a meeting of the Diabetes Advocacy Alliance (DAA) to discuss recent legislative and regulatory advances in diabetes and how to achieve greater success through our collective work. Former Senate Majority Leader, Tom Daschle (pictured), provided a unique perspective at this meeting on opportunities to affect change in the 114th...
Draft NIH Policy Promotes Use of Single IRB for Multi-Site Studies
On December 3, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) announced a draft policy for the “Use of a Single Institutional Review Board (IRB) for Multi-Site Research.” The new policy establishes the expectation that multi-site NIH-funded domestic studies will make use of a single IRB of record, rather than multiple local IRBs. Comments on the proposed...
Congress Passes Funding Bill; NIH Receives $150 Million Increase
During an unusual weekend session, on December 13 the U.S. Senate finally passed a government funding bill for the remainder of the 2015 fiscal year passed earlier by the House of Representatives. High drama ensued in the Capitol as a small group of conservatives tried to block debate on the bill by raising concerns with...