
Society Guideline Program Offers Valuable Resources for Practicing Physicians

The Endocrine Society plays a role in helping endocrinologists improve their quality of care through the development of clinical practice guidelines on various endocrine-related topics. The Society has published 23 guidelines to date, with 16 guidelines in varying stages of development or revision. The newest guideline, “Pheochromocytoma/Paraganglioma,” was published in the June edition of the...

Endocrine Society Advocates for Equitable Inclusion of Both Females and Males in Biomedical Research; Helps to Fuel Changes at Federal Agencies

A critical component of the translation of basic science to new therapies is the extent to which females and males are equitably incorporated in research studies in all phases of biomedical research. At the basic research stage, this includes taking into account the sex of cell lines and animals used in preclinical research studies. During...

An expanded EDC policy

SOCIETY EXPANDS EXPERT ENGAGEMENT TO INFORM Global EDC Policy with Endocrine Science The Endocrine Society has redoubled its efforts to bring endocrine expertise to the global policy arena on the issue of endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs). With members from approximately 120 countries, the Endocrine Society is a global organization with the expertise and capacity to address...

Society stays busy on the Hill

Congress Averts 24% Cut to Medicare Payments, Delays ICD-10 On April 1, the U.S. Congress averted a 24% cut to Medicare physician payments caused by the flawed sustainable growth rate (SGR) formula. The Protecting Access to Medicare Act of 2014 delays the double-digit cuts until March 31, 2015, and calls for a 0.5% update to...

Promoting research on the Hill

Senator Introduces Legislation to Provide Mandatory Funding for Biomedical Research Congressional Appropriations Committees currently are working to determine fiscal year 2015 funding levels for federal agencies. As part of this process, the Endocrine Society has a great opportunity to encourage representatives and senators to support our recommended funding level for the National Institutes of Health...

Government employees at ENDO

Society Works to Ensure Approvals for Government Employee Attendance at ENDO By Joseph M. Laakso, PhD Endocrine Society members include federally employed scientists and clinicians working at government facilities such as the National Institutes of Health (NIH) intramural campus, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the Department of Veteran’s Affairs (VA). Due to...

NIH’s LGBTI research

Society Emphasizes Endocrine Perspective for NIH Strategic LGBTI Research Activities The membership of the Endocrine Society includes clinicians and researchers dedicated to improving the health of transgender individuals and persons with disorders of sexual development (DSD). Recognizing this important expertise provided by our members, the Society is working to ensure endocrinology informs critical public health issues...

Endocrinology Advocacy

Not all topics of relevance to endocrinologists are about specific conditions and diseases. Sometimes, doctors need information about changes in the medical field or the field of endocrinology. Changes to medical insurance legislation, drug trial regulations and even patient privacy legislation all impact a practitioner’s way of doing business and practicing medicine. Yet keeping track of these details is not always easy. That’s why Endocrine News has organized articles and news pieces on these topics into this advocacy page. Here, practitioners can find the information gathered by the Endocrine Society, a leading endocrinology advocacy organization, conveniently in one location.

Important Advocacy Information From the Endocrine Society

As an endocrinology advocacy organization, the Endocrine Society is constantly working to advocate for endocrinologists and their patients, both in the government and in various research centers across the country. Here on Endocrine News, you can stay informed about these efforts and their results, so you are well aware of what changes may be coming that affect your practice. This is an invaluable resource for doctors who wish to spend their time focusing on their patients, rather than advocating for their practices, but also wish to stay informed about what is happening in the field.

Both Clinical and Research Advocacy Information

On the Advocacy page, Endocrine News provides advocacy information relevant to both those in the research field and those practicing on a clinical level. Stay up to date with the activities of the Endocrine Society, learn more about the legislation that affects your work, and see highlights of leading researchers who are pioneering not only advances in the practice but also advocacy for endocrinology as a field. By utilizing the resources on the Advocacy page, you will be better equipped to meet the needs of your patients while staying abreast on the changes affecting the industry.