
Advocacy Victory: HHS Proposes Medicare Coverage for NDPP

The Secretary of the Department Health and Human Services (HHS), Sylvia Burwell, announced today that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) plans to provide coverage for the National Diabetes Prevention Program (NDPP). While this proposal still must go through a public comment period, it is expected to go into force before President Obama...

Society Leaders Help Inform International EDC Regulations

The Endocrine Society continues its advocacy and educational efforts concerning the impact seen in patients’ lives linked to exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs). On February 29, Endocrine Society members Jean-Pierre Bourguignon, MD; Rémy Slama, PhD; and Leonardo Trasande, MD, MPP, met with policymakers in the European Union to provide scientific expertise, comments, and concerns regarding...

NIH Advisory Councils Discuss New Advances, Budget Issues

On January 27, Endocrine Society attended the 200th meeting of the National Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) Advisory Council. Society members Lee Kaplan, MD, PhD; Alan Saltiel, PhD; Jerry Palmer, MD; and Joel Elmquist, PhD, DVM, are members of the Council. Endocrine Society member Steven Kahn, MB, CHE, served as an ad hoc...

Obama Unveils FY2017 Budget; Society Disappointed in NIH Decreases

The Obama administration unveiled its annual budget proposal on February 9. The budget proposal would give the National Institutes of Health (NIH) $33.1 billion, a 2.6% raise over 2016. The money would include $680 million for Vice President Biden’s cancer moonshot; $100 million more for the Precision Medicine Initiative’s 1-million-person cohort study; and $45 million...

NIH Announces FY 2016-2020 Strategic Plan

On December 16, 2015 NIH released its NIH-Wide Strategic Plan, Fiscal Years 2016-2020: Turning Discovery Into Health. The Endocrine Society provided input to the NIH during the strategic planning process and sent a letter to the Director of NIH, Francis Collins, MD, and NIH Principal Deputy Director, Lawrence Tabak, DDS, PhD. In our comments, the...

NIH Clarifies Instructions to Grantees on Incorporating Sex as a Biological Variable

In 2014, in response to requests by the Endocrine Society, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) announced that it would develop policies to require investigators to account for sex as a fundamental biological variable in NIH-supported preclinical research. The Endocrine Society wholeheartedly supports the goal of ensuring that sex is considered in studies funded by...

Endocrine Society Supports Proper Specialty Care Reimbursement

As the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) begins the process to transition physician payment from a system that pays by volume to one that pays for value, the Endocrine Society continues to have concern that new payment models properly value cognitive services and not only focus on procedures. As a result, the Endocrine...

Endocrinology Advocacy

Not all topics of relevance to endocrinologists are about specific conditions and diseases. Sometimes, doctors need information about changes in the medical field or the field of endocrinology. Changes to medical insurance legislation, drug trial regulations and even patient privacy legislation all impact a practitioner’s way of doing business and practicing medicine. Yet keeping track of these details is not always easy. That’s why Endocrine News has organized articles and news pieces on these topics into this advocacy page. Here, practitioners can find the information gathered by the Endocrine Society, a leading endocrinology advocacy organization, conveniently in one location.

Important Advocacy Information From the Endocrine Society

As an endocrinology advocacy organization, the Endocrine Society is constantly working to advocate for endocrinologists and their patients, both in the government and in various research centers across the country. Here on Endocrine News, you can stay informed about these efforts and their results, so you are well aware of what changes may be coming that affect your practice. This is an invaluable resource for doctors who wish to spend their time focusing on their patients, rather than advocating for their practices, but also wish to stay informed about what is happening in the field.

Both Clinical and Research Advocacy Information

On the Advocacy page, Endocrine News provides advocacy information relevant to both those in the research field and those practicing on a clinical level. Stay up to date with the activities of the Endocrine Society, learn more about the legislation that affects your work, and see highlights of leading researchers who are pioneering not only advances in the practice but also advocacy for endocrinology as a field. By utilizing the resources on the Advocacy page, you will be better equipped to meet the needs of your patients while staying abreast on the changes affecting the industry.