With nearly 30 million Americans living with diabetes and 86 million more at risk of developing diabetes, you might expect diabetes to be a top priority for Congress. But it’s not. That’s why members of Congress need to hear from us. In fact, it’s been five years since the last congressional hearing on diabetes and...
During September and October, the Society participated in two important international meetings related to Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs). The Society was the only scientific organization participating and, as such, it was able to share the Society’s latest Scientific Statement on EDCs and link health impacts to EDCs, and was seen as a trusted policy advisor....
Today, more than a third of the adult population is affected by obesity and this number continues to rise. With this in mind, the Society recognizes the important role that our members can play and we are pleased to announce our participation in the first-ever National Obesity Care Week, November 1-7, a grassroots advocacy campaign...
Society Prompts United Healthcare Coverage of Low Threshold Suspend Devices
In response to advocacy efforts of the Endocrine Society and other organizations concerned with the care of patients with diabetes, United Healthcare has decided to provide coverage for low threshold suspend insulin pump systems, the first devices to be classified as artificial pancreas technology, effective May 1, 2015. The Endocrine Society had urged United Healthcare...
Endocrine Society — IPEN Guide on EDCs Now Available in Spanish
Last December the Endocrine Society and IPEN, a leading global network of 700 non-governmental organizations (NGOs) working to establish and implement safe chemicals policies and practices, collaborated on the publication of Introduction to Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs): A Guide for Public Interest Organizations and Policy Makers. The purpose of the Guide is to raise global awareness...
The Endocrine Society is working with the Diabetes Congressional Caucus to increase support for various diabetes-related bills. On June 8, the Society participated in a Diabetes Congressional Caucus legislative briefing to provide information to congressional staff on diabetes legislation in the 114th Congress and to increase the number of co-sponsors on diabetes legislation. The Society...
The Endocrine Society supports the U.S. National Bone Health Alliance (NBHA) response to the May 26 British Medical Journal paper, “Overdiagnosis of bone fragility in the quest to prevent hip fracture,” disputing the paper’s authors’ argument “that evidence for stratifying risk of fracture and subsequent drug therapy to prevent hip fracture is insufficient to warrant...
President Barack Obama’s nomination of acting administrator Andy Slavitt to be administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services leaves Senate Republicans weighing how to orchestrate the confirmation process in their favor. The Senate could use a confirmation hearing to rehash the stumbles of the 2010 healthcare overhaul, particularly the launch of the federal...