Brussels Events Build Society’s Reputation as Thought Leader in EDC Field

On November 11, 2014, the Society hosted a special event for members of the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium. More than 30 people attended the Society’s presentation, including four members of the European Parliament (MEPs) as well as other policy makers, journalists, and representatives from environmental health non-governmental organizations.

MEPs Sirpa Pietikainen (Finland) and Pavel Poc (Czech Republic) sponsored the event and framed the conversation about the threat posed by EDCs. The presentations prompted spirited discussion about the best way to regulate EDCs. The event helped establish the Society as a key resource and advisor for policy makers seeking to understand and address this issue.

In conjunction with the Parliament event, the Society held its first-ever media event in the EU. The Science Writers Conference on Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals took place at the International Press Centre in Brussels on November 12. The Daily Mail wrote an in-depth article previewing the conference. The event also generated attention from CNBC. Seven journalists and public information offi cers attended the event, including representatives from Le Monde and New Scientist magazine.

Featured presenters from the Society’s EU EDC Task Force were: R. Th omas Zoeller, PhD, Jean-Pierre Bourguignon, MD, PhD, Barbara Demeneix, PhD, DSc, Remy Slama, PhD, and Richard Ivell, PhD. The event laid the foundation for the Society to serve as a key source for European journalists covering EDCs and the regulatory process.

Highlights from the Science Writers Conference are available on the Society’s YouTube channel as a valuable resource for other journalists.

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