As president of the Endocrine Society, I understand the challenges in career advancement faced by medical and graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, clinical fellows, junior faculty, or early-career investigators, especially as you consider a future in endocrinology. No matter your future position (i.e., basic or clinical research, clinical practice, etc.), funding and recognition are critical to reaching this goal. In contemplating the possibilities in endocrinology, I would like to highlight a few of the travel, recognition, and leadership awards offered by the Society for those in the early stages of their careers.
For those considering submitting an abstract for ENDO 2022, which will be held in Atlanta, GA on June 11 – 14, 2022, several abstract awards are available. Abstract awards offer both a chance to present your research at a national meeting and recognition for your outstanding work. We have several enhancements for abstract presentations planned for ENDO 2022.
The Early Career Forum is our premier professional development workshop for trainees. Early Career Forum travel awards provide funding support to those attending this workshop. This full-day workshop will take place the day prior to the start of ENDO 2022 on June 10, 2022.
The Society provides additional recognition awards, research fellowships, and awards to participate in invaluable leadership development programs we think will be of interest. Here’s a summary of the Society’s prestigious awards available for early-career professionals:
ENDO 2022 Awards
- Early Career Forum Travel Awards: Provided to graduate or medical students, residents, post-doctoral fellows, or clinical fellows to attend the one-day professional development workshop.
- Endocrine Society Outstanding Abstract Awards: Provided to trainee and early-career first authors of the best abstracts submitted for ENDO.
- Eugenia Rosemberg Abstract Award: Provided to junior faculty/early-career professionals within three years of completing a training program. Open to any abstract submitted in the basic science categories.
- Mara E. Lieberman Memorial Awards: Provided to the top-scoring abstracts submitted by women. Award winners must be a graduate student, post-doctoral fellow, or junior faculty.
- C. Wayne Bardin International Travel Award: Provided to current endocrine fellows or junior faculty in their first faculty position for less than five years. This award was created in honor of Dr. Wayne Bardin to promote the career development of international (residing outside the U.S.) early-career professionals.
I highly encourage every early-career member to look at the travel awards and fellowship opportunities available through the Endocrine Society. The spectrum of possibilities is as diverse as our membership.
Research, Recognition and Leadership Development Awards
- Early Investigators Award: Provided to early-career investigators within 10 years of their terminal degree granting date in recognition of outstanding achievements in endocrine research.
- Excellence in Clinical Endocrinology Leadership (ExCEL) Program: Provided to 10 post-clinical fellows of groups underrepresented in medicine and science (URM) for participation in a unique two-day workshop focused on leadership skills training and career development. Following the workshop, participants have opportunities to be part of year-round mentoring, networking, and service activities.
- Future Leaders Advancing Research in Endocrinology (FLARE) Program: Provided to URM graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, and junior faculty for participation in leadership and professional development programming. FLARE activities include attendance at the FLARE leadership workshop, building connections through the mentoring program, learning about the Society’s volunteer leadership through the internship program, and receiving one-on-one guidance on journals peer review through the Early Career Reviewer program.
- Research Experience for Graduate and Medical Students (REGMS) Program: Provided to 14 first- or second-year graduate students or medical students beyond their first year of enrollment.
I highly encourage every early-career member to look at the travel awards and fellowship opportunities available through the Endocrine Society. The spectrum of possibilities is as diverse as our membership. For more information, please visit: