Society Names Co-Chairs of Congressional Diabetes Caucus Diabetes Champions

The Endocrine Society awarded co-chairs of the Congressional and Senate Diabetes Caucuses with the Diabetes Champion Award for their outstanding work in promoting research and prevention efforts for people with diabetes.

Senators Susan Collins (R-ME) and Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) and Representatives Tom Reed (R-NY) and Diana DeGette (D-CO 1st District) received the award for their work reauthorizing the Special Diabetes Program (SDP) at $600 million over two years as well as championing other critical initiatives like coverage for continuous glucose monitors, the National Clinical Care Commission, and the Diabetes Prevention Program.

The SDP provides funding for type 1 diabetes research and prevention programs for at-risk populations, specifically Alaska Natives and American Indians. The SDP has resulted in important steps in finding a cure for diabetes, like the development of the artificial pancreas and beta cell replacement and has reduced complications from type 2 diabetes like retinopathy and kidney failure. The reauthorization of the SDP provides funding for these efforts through 2019.

The Society looks forward to continuing its work with the Diabetes Caucus on issues impacting endocrinologists and the patients they treat.

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