New Advocacy Session Premieres at ENDO 2018

To find out how you can become involved in the Society’s advocacy efforts, including our efforts to increase funding for the National Institutes of Health, please join us at ENDO 2018 for a special session hosted by the Advocacy and Public Outreach Core Committee (APOCC).

The purpose of the session is to discuss the Society’s advocacy priorities, how we achieve our “wins,” and how you – our members – can be involved in the process. We will offer four different ways for you to participate, including: advocacy opportunities in Washington, DC, sharing your expertise to advise us on policy and position statements, and using social media as an advocacy tool. This is also a great opportunity to hear from seasoned “endocrine advocates” about their experience in impacting policy both on Capitol Hill and from the comfort of their own home.

The session takes place on Saturday, March 17 from 12:00 to 12:50 p.m. in the Science Hub. If you have questions or would like to participate in this session, please write to the Government & Public Affairs department at [email protected]. We hope you will join us!

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