Outstanding Leadership in Endocrinology Award
Lawrence A. Frohman, MD
Lawrence Frohman, MD, has had a long and distinguished career as a scientific and clinical leader, accomplished basic and clinical mentor, and outstanding teaching, service, and administrative achievements.
He developed one of the first RIAs for rat growth hormone and identified and partially purified a GHRH from pancreatic and lung tumors, which eventually led to isolation and sequencing of the hormone. He published extensively on GHRH gene expression, secretion, and action. He initiated studies in familial acromegaly and led an international consortium demonstrating linkage to chromosome 11q13. Following identification of AIP mutations, he and his collaborators helped elucidate the role of mutated AIP in pathogenesis of GH-secreting tumors.
As chairman of medicine at the University of Illinois at Chicago, he successfully led research, education, and clinical programs. He directed fellowship training programs for MDs and PhDs, many of whom are now in leadership positions throughout the world.
Lawrence Frohman, MD, has had a long and distinguished career as a scientific and clinical leader, accomplished basic and clinical mentor, and outstanding teaching, service, and administrative achievements.
His prestigious awards include the Endocrine Society Rorer Clinical Investigation Award, Honorary Membership in the Japanese Endocrine Society, and Bane Scholar and Distinguished Faculty Award at the University of Illinois at Chicago. He served as president of the Pituitary Society and the Central Society for Clinical Research. He served on the Endocrinology Study Section and chaired the Endocrinology Program Advisory Group and the NIH National Hormone and Pituitary Program, which was instrumental in providing the highest-quality reagents for hormone assays worldwide. He served the VA Endocrinology Merit Review Board, FDA Endocrine-Metabolism Review Committee, and chaired the USP Expert Advisory Endocrinology Committee. He provided(s) exemplary service to important Endocrine Society committees, including Nominating, Program, Journals Management, Finance, and Audit; as chair of Membership and Development; and as a wise and skilled Council member.