Endocrine Society Opposes Taxing Graduate Tuition Waivers

Tax reform legislation (H.R. 1) approved by the U.S. House of Representatives will increase tax liability for thousands of graduate students who serve as teaching or research assistants.

Under the House-passed legislation, tuition waivers granted to graduate students would be considered taxable income. More than half (55%) of all master’s and PhD candidates who serve as teaching or research assistants have adjusted gross incomes of $20,000 or less. The increased tax burden would present a significant financial challenge to current students and may discourage the future pipeline of scientific researchers.

The Senate tax bill (S. 1) does not include the tax on graduate student tuition waivers. This week, as the House and Senate negotiate final language, Congress needs to hear from graduate students and others in the research community to ensure that the House provision on graduate student tuition is not included in the final tax bill.

The Endocrine Society strongly opposes this effort to treat graduate tuition waivers as taxable income.  Please join our campaign to oppose the taxing of the graduate tuition waiver. Click the “Take Action” button below to email your Senators and Representative TODAY and enter your name and address. You do not need to enter email and member ID.  Our software will generate a letter, but you can personalize it to describe how the proposed tax on graduate student tuition waivers would affect you or your institution.  Please also share this alert with graduate students and other faculty members.  Taking action will only take a minute of your time, but will make a difference.


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