Ruth S. Weinstock Named ADA 2017 Outstanding Diabetes Clinician

Endocrine Society member Ruth S. Weinstock, MD, PhD, has been selected to receive the American Diabetes Association 2017 Outstanding Physician Clinician in Diabetes Award. Presented annually, the award honors meritorious contributions to diabetes clinical practice. Weinstock will be recognized with this honor during the Association’s 77th Scientific Sessions, June 9-13, 2017, in San Diego.  

Weinstock is distinguished service professor and division chief of endocrinology, diabetes and metabolism at the State University of New York (SUNY) Upstate Medical University, medical director of the Clinical Research Unit and medical director of the Joslin Diabetes Center at Upstate Medical University in Syracuse, N.Y.


 Weinstock is particularly committed to reaching underserved populations. With more than 30 years of active involvement in clinical care, teaching and research, she leads an impressive staff of endocrinologists, educators and other professionals to provide the best care and advocacy for people with diabetes and their families. Weinstock was the driving force behind the establishment of the Joslin Diabetes Center at SUNY Upstate, which serves as the only comprehensive, multidisciplinary diabetes center serving adults and children in central New York.


With an extensive publication history, Weinstock has assumed essential roles in several national collaborative research projects, including Treatment Options for Type 2 Diabetes in Adolescents and Youth (TODAY), T1D Exchange studies and the Informatics for Diabetes Education and Telemedicine (IDEATel) Demonstration Project. She has trained and mentored hundreds of students, residents, and fellows, inspiring many to pursue diabetes research and practice in their careers.


The 2017 Outstanding Physician Clinician in Diabetes Award is sponsored by an unrestricted grant from Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson.

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