Meet the 2016 Laureate Award Winners: David S. Cooper, MD

Cooper, David

Outstanding Scholarly Physician Award
David S. Cooper, MD
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
David S. Cooper, MD, professor of medicine and radiology at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, is the winner of the Endocrine Society’s Outstanding Scholarly Physician Award for 2016. This annual award recognizes outstanding contributions to the practice of clinical endocrinology in an academic setting.

Dr. Cooper is internationally known in the thyroid and endocrine community for his work treating Graves’ disease and subclinical thyroid disease, and various aspects of the diagnosis and management of thyroid cancer. He was the Chair of the American Thyroid Association Guideline Committee on Thyroid Nodules and Thyroid Cancer in 2009, which has become one of the most highly cited recent publications in endocrinology. He is the former chairman of the Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism Subspecialty Board of the American Board of Internal Medicine. He has served as a contributing editor at the Journal of the American Medical Association, Deputy Editor of The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, and he is currently endocrine editor-in-chief for Up-to-Date, and the endocrine board review chair for the Society’s Clinical Endocrinology Update.

Most recently, along with Lewis Braverman, MD, David became the newest editor of the iconic thyroid text, Werner’s The Thyroid. David is perhaps best known as a clear thinker, a lucid lecturer and educator, and a scholarly clinician. He is one of those rare physicians who has successfully crossed back and forth on a daily basis between his patient care responsibilities and his commitment to the medical education of residents, fellows in endocrinology, and his colleagues and peers. David could just as readily deserve an award in education on the basis of his years of selfless dedication to medical education, and his deep involvement in development of educational tools and self-assessment. His numerous publications as author or co-author are highly cited, many of which are classics in the field. It is easy to acknowledge that David’s long history of scholarly pursuits and accomplishments have rendered him the consummate clinician-scholar, a true role model for both his peers and his trainees, and highly deserving of the Society’s Outstanding Scholarly Physician Award.
— Leonard Wartofsky


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