Derek Bagley Recognized for Endocrine News Article

The April 2015 Endocrine News cover story “Deep Impact,” written by associate editor Derek Bagley, was named a finalist for a prestigious 2015 Eddie Award.

Bagley’s article was an in-depth examination of the possible effects that fracking has on causing endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) to seep into local water supplies. In the article, Bagley wrote that hundreds of chemicals are used in fracking and many are known EDCs. However, the article concluded that future studies are needed to conclusively prove the danger of fracking on the endocrine system.

“This recognition for Derek’s work is truly momentous for Endocrine News as well as the Endocrine Society,” says Mark A. Newman, editor, Endocrine News. “It shows that the direction we’ve been taking the magazine in the past several years is not going unnoticed. Aside from the remarkable redesign in the last few months, the content itself has been evolving. Since joining the Society over two years ago, I’ve been continually impressed with the caliber of writers we have who create these wonderful narratives to our members’ benefit. I’m very pleased that one of our own has been singled out, which further demonstrates that Endocrine News is a serious contender in the medical journalism realm.”

In the future, Newman says, he wants more coverage of members, their accomplishments, goals, and everyday lives as endocrinologists. “At the heart of Endocrine News are the members of the Endocrine Society,” he says. “And we want to take full advantage of the deep well of expertise available to us. After all, the magazine is for the members and we have a responsibility to serve them the best way we can.”

“Deep Impact” was competing in the Best Single Article in a Magazine Published
by an Association or Not-for Profi t category. Other association magazine finalists were Chemical & Engineering News (American Chemical Society), Dermatology World (American Academy of Dermatology), HR Magazine (Society for Human Resource Management), Marketing News (American Marketing Association), and Professional Photographer (Professional Photographers of America). This is the first time Endocrine News has been singled out for its journalistic endeavors in its 10-plus year history. But, Newman promises, it won’t be the last.

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