Advocacy: You Can Help Congress Focus on Diabetes

With nearly 30 million Americans living with diabetes and 86 million more at risk of developing diabetes, you might expect diabetes to be a top priority for Congress.

But it’s not.

That’s why members of Congress need to hear from us. In fact, it’s been five years since the last congressional hearing on diabetes and during that time the disease has continued to exact a significant human toll.

It’s vital that we make diabetes top-of-mind for our members of Congress, and get them to focus on policies and legislation that would help people with diabetes and those at risk. The Endocrine Society is working with the broad diabetes community — patient advocacy groups, researchers, other providers, and caregivers — to urge Congress to hold a hearing on diabetes on Capitol Hill in November.

A hearing would give the diabetes community the opportunity to make our voices heard and promote specific pieces of diabetes legislation. And we need your help! Send your member of Congress a letter asking them to support a hearing to bring attention to current diabetes legislation by going to

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