Society & member news

ESAP™-ITE 2013

This year the Endocrine Self-Assessment Program In-Training (ESAP-ITE) exam was a great success! The Self-Assessment Committee is happy to report that 560 endocrine fellows from 134 training programs worldwide have completed the exam during the month of April. Of those 134 training programs, seven new training programs registered their fellows, including four international programs. “We designed ESAP-ITE to assess fellows’ knowledge across a broad range on endocrinology topics,” says Alan Dalkin, chair of the Self-Assessment Committee. “The exam has become an essential tool for fellowship training program directors domestically, and the addition of SI units to the 2014 exam will increase applicability to international training programs as well.” Learn more about ITE on


The 2014 Annual Meeting Steering Committee (AMSC) will have the large task of planning the joint 16th International Congress of Endocrinology/Th e Endocrine Society’s 96th Annual Meeting & Expo. President Teresa Woodruff, PhD, will work with the chairs and AMSC members to create an exciting and comprehensive program. The first clinician-in-practice chair, Carol Wysham, MD, PhD, will bring special attention to the interests of the practicing clinician members of the Society.

Derek Leroith, MD, PhD, ENDO 2014 Chair

Matthew Ringel, MD, PhD
Clinical Science Chair
Kevin Grove, PhD
Basic Science Chair
Carol Wysham, MD, PhD
Clinician-in-Practice Chair
Richard Eastell, MBBS, MD
Michael Levine, MD
Steven Smith, MD
Jane Reusch, MD
Bernard Robaire, PhD
Erica Elizabeth Marsh, MD
Jorma Toppari, MD, PhD
Nelly Mauras, MD
Adrian Lee, PhD
Louis Luttrell, MD, PhD
John Cidlowski, PhD
Kristy Brown, PhD
Stephanie Lee, MD, PhD
Gal Omry, MD
Wiebke Arlt, MD, DSc,
Gregory Brent, MD
Laura Calvi, MD
Cheri Deal, MD, PhD
Patricia Elizalde, PhD
Ghada Fuleihan, MD, MPH
Ashley Grossman, MD, FRCP
Annette Grueters, MD, PhD
Robert Handa, PhD
Anthony Hollenberg, MD
Malcolm Low, MD, PhD
Christopher McCartney, MD
Robert Millar, PhD
Sue Moenter, PhD
John Newell-Price, MD, PhD, MRCP
Pere Puigserver, PhD
Elliot Rayfield, MD
Charles Roberts, Jr., PhD
Donald Simonson, MD, MPH, ScD
Frances Sladek, PhD
Jenny Visser, PhD
Humphrey Yao, PhD
Philip Zeitler, MD, PhD
Daniel Marks, MD, PhD
In addition, eight members of the International Society for Endocrinology will be joining the AMSC this year.
Peter Ebling, MBBS,MD
Teresa Sir Petermann, MD
Weiqing Wang, MD
Philippe Chanson, MD, MS
Subhanker Chowdhury, MD, MS
Moises Mercado, MD
Augustine Ohwovoriole, MD, MS
Elizabeth Paz-Pacheco, BS, MD

PEDIATRIC ESAP™ 2013–2014:
Increased Benefits to Board Certified Pediatric Endocrinologists

The American Board of Pediatrics (ABP) has begun transitioning toward the new “continuous” Maintenance of Certification (MOC) model, requiring physicians to earn 40 Part 2 MOC points per five-year MOC cycle. To address this increased regulatory need, Pediatric ESAP 2013–2014 has been redesigned and ABP-approved to off er 40 MOC Part 2 points, which is twice the number of MOC Part 2 points offered by its predecessor, Pediatric ESAP 2011–2012. This new offering, developed by the Pediatric Self-Assessment Committee, includes two 50-question interactive modules and a printed book. Learn more about the benefits of Pediatric ESAP 2013–2014 on


Visit the new websites of Th e Endocrine Society and the Hormone Health Network for an improved user experience, including new designs and improved layouts, to help you find the information you need, fast.

Th e Society website,, provides you with all of the tools and information you need to succeed in your work environment. Log on and stay up-to-date on important events; find products, services, and meetings to help advance your work; learn about hot topics in public policy; and more.

Created for patients, backed by the Society’s clinical and scientific expertise, is your partner in endocrine patient education. With more than 100 free resources in English and Spanish, educates patients and improves communication. Visited by 2 million people a year, Th e Hormone Health Network gives your patients a better understanding of hormone, health, disease, and treatment. Th e Network’s goal is to help providers move patients from educated to engaged, creating active partners in their healthcare.

Submit Your Nominations for the

Did you know that The Endocrine Society annually hosts a workshop specifically designed to provide young investigators an in-depth introduction into the foundation for building successful careers in research at the Early Investigators Workshop? The two-day workshop offers early career investigators career development talks, small group presentations, and networking opportunities with peers and faculty. This year, the Society will hold the Early Investigators Workshop on October 21–22 in Indianapolis, Ind. This workshop is a must-attend for clinical fellows and post-doctoral fellows planning for independent research careers.

Here’s what participants of the 2012 Early Investigators Workshop shared with Endocrine News about their experiences.

Dr. Michael Stitzel, senior postdoctoral fellow at The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, was drawn to the workshop by the basic science offerings and sessions focusing on grant writing, lab management, negotiation, and mock study section: “I was expecting two intense days of scientific and professional advice and I was not disappointed. The personal and professional experiences that the faculty advisors shared were enlightening. I left San Francisco with a much better perspective of the “black box” of Study Section and scientific review of grants and with eyes wide open to the challenges and techniques in negotiating for a faculty position.”

He shared additional insights into the workshop’s networking opportunities: “Networking opportunities are usually diffi cult to facilitate in such a short, two-day workshop,but I felt I the organizers, and particularly the participating faculty, made this a goal. I have found at other meetings that it can be difficult to penetrate the cliques that naturally occur. At this meeting, the faculty did a great job distributing themselves at meals and during the break amongst the trainees. I don’t know if this was a conscious effort, but I did greatly appreciate it! Networking with other fellows who are at the same or similar stages of their careers was an added bonus.”

Dr. Irina Bancos, fellow from Mayo Clinic, shared her perspective on the workshop: “I would highly recommend the Early Investigators Workshop to my colleagues! My advice would be to consider presenting a proposal that is in the early stages of development as it is most likely to be thought-provoking to attendees. I also believe that first-year fellows would highly benefit from the workshop as this experience is likely to teach a better way to design research and avoid possible mistakes. Insightful and motivating!”

Dr. Justin Gregory, pediatric endocrine fellow at Vanderbilt University, also joined in the discussion: “I was given some great suggestions for my research after I gave a short presentation about what I am doing in the lab right now. One helpful suggestion was to look into some surgical literature that I had not considered looking into that has some applicability for my research in hypoglycemia in T1DM. During some of the talks, the speakers had some great words of advice about how to effectively write research grant proposals. I am applying these as I write my F32 grant application. I also really appreciated the insights shared by the speakers about effective time management and balancing life as a physician and as a spouse and parent.

Registration for the Early Investigators Workshop is now open to post-doctoral and clinical fellows wishing to grow their research knowledge base and develop skills that will help further their research careers. Registration will be open through August 19, 2013. Space for this event is limited so apply today!

For more information, please visit the 2013 Early Investigators Workshop website,


The Endocrine Society is seeking candidates for the position of Editorin-Chief of Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism for a five-year term beginning January 1, 2015. This position requires a dynamic, nationally recognized clinician who has a broad background in the field and is committed to maintaining the journal’s reputation for publishing cutting-edge science. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism provides an international forum for papers enhancing the understanding, diagnosis, and treatment of endocrine and metabolic disorders. It is the world’s leading peer-reviewed journal for endocrine clinical research and cutting edge clinical practice reviews.


The Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism receives editorial and administrative support from The Endocrine Society’s Managing Editor and editorial offi ce staff in Chevy Chase, MD, as well as an honorarium. The Editor-in-Chief oversees the peer review process and content development:
• Selecting his or her Deputy Editors, Associate Editors (6), and Editorial Board (47)
• Providing direction for the journal and its content features and identifying emerging “hot” areas of importance and soliciting papers for submission
• Participating in meetings of the Publications Core Committee
• Participating in meetings with the editors-in-chief of the Society’s other journals


All members of The Endocrine Society are encouraged to suggest the names of potential candidates by contacting Scott Herman, Group Managing Editor — Associate Director, Publications for The Endocrine Society, at [email protected]. Please submit your suggestions by August 30, 2013.


Applicants for the position of Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism should submit the following materials:
• Description of qualifi cations
• Statement outlining how the candidate plans to oversee the journal, including goals for content, target readership, acceptance criteria, and editorial policy
• Proposed Associate Editors, areas of expertise, and process for editorial decision-making
• Discussion of the present status of the journal, opportunities for growth and enhancement, and plans to achieve goals
• Curriculum vitae

Applications are due by September 30, 2013, and should be emailed as PDF attachments to Scott Herman ([email protected]). Please call 301.951.2615 to ensure that your submission has been received. Selected candidates will be contacted by the search committee chair and asked to provide more details. The Publications Core Committee will interview finalists in person at its March 2014 meeting and choose a candidate to recommend to The Endocrine Society Council.


The search process is being undertaken by the Publications Core Committee, and the chair of the search committee is Janet Schlechte, MD. The other members of the committee are: Margaret Shupnik, PhD, Chair; Dennis Baskin, PhD; Joanna Burdette, PhD; Kerri Burnstein, MD; Martin Fassnacht, MD; Sandra Licht, MD; Jeffrey A. Sandler, MD; and Daniel Spratt, MD.

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