Council Approves Goals for Engaging the Next Generation of Endocrinologists

The Next Generation Task Force (NGTF) report, which was approved by Council on March 3, presented strategies that will be important for the Society to adopt in its efforts to empower and support the next generation of endocrinologists.

The Trainee and Career Development Core Committee (TCDCC) has taken the lead to oversee the implementation and monitoring of the NGTF recommendations which will impact leadership development, new program development, endocrine careers education, and enhanced marketing and communications to early career professionals.

The TCDCC met last July to begin its work to create relevant and valuable programming that will continue to attract and engage next generation members. Throughout the day’s discussions, TCDCC members considered initiatives around the NGTF recommendations and examined opportunities for the integration of technology, public awareness, and diversity and inclusion into key programs and activities. The committee looks forward to completing the development of a comprehensive education and training initiative that crosses common themes in career development, integrates live and online learning tools, networking sessions, and education resources, and enhances the overall learning experience for young scientists wishing to advance their careers.

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