Special Diabetes Program Reauthorization

In addition to funding for the NDPP, the SDP funding is scheduled to expire on September 30, 2015, if Congress fails to act. The SDP was created in 1997 to advance research for type 1 diabetes and to address the disproportionate burden of type 2 diabetes on American Indians and Alaska Natives (AIAN). Through this funding, the Special Type 1 Program has advanced research in islet cell transplantation, beta cell therapy, treatment for diabetic retinopathy, and innovative therapies like the artificial pancreas. The SDP for Indians has also shown great success by helping AIAN prevent and manage type 2 diabetes resulting in significant reductions in A1c and amputation as well as improvements in blood pressure and kidney function. The Society has advocated for funding of these programs for a number of years and continues to urge Congress to reauthorize the SDP by the September deadline in visits with Congress and in Society appropriations testimony.

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