Society Publications 2.0

The Society’s Publications Get a TECHNOLOGICAL REBOOT

Along with the many changes the Endocrine Society has gone through recently, the Society’s publications department has begun a massive retooling of its online presence. The department has migrated its journals Molecular Endocrinology, Endocrine Reviews, Endocrinology, the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, as well as back content, to a new content management system called Literatum by Atypon, used by major publishers such as e New England Journal of Medicine and others. You can reach the new site via

Literatum is a comprehensive ePublishing platform specifically created for professional and scholarly publishers such as the Endocrine Society. The platform was selected to give our members easy access to everything in our publication Web enterprise, allowing you to do everything from simply accessing information to making online purchases. Literatum is at the forefront of scientific publishing with more than 17 million journal articles, 100,000 eBooks, and myriad other types of scholarly content. Therefore, it is the ideal partner for our expanding publications.

Accessing content, from your personal account information to reading journal articles, will be even more convenient. Members can now login with their ID number and password and move seamlessly through different sites. You will have the ability to do a single search across all of the Society’s journals and eBooks, and more easily access the Society’s other Web properties. This consolidated user account will also be integrated into the Society’s other sites in a phased approach.

Prior to launch, our Marketing and Publications staffsent notifications to members and institutional subscribers announcing the launch. The Marketing staffthen distributed a second notice to member subscribers and librarians, which provided information on how to activate their accounts in the new system. The Society’s website also includes information pointing to the new platform. The Society Services staffis prepared to respond to inquiries and to assist members or subscribers with access to content. Calls or emails regarding access to content should be directed to Society Services at 202-971-3646 or [email protected].

We’re not done yet. Unlike a print product that is in its final form by the time it hits your desk, an online product such as this is dynamic and always improving. This makes it easier to match the needs of the Society’s membership on an ongoing basis, which means there will be more features added to the site in the coming months.

The upcoming eBooks will include digital editions of Diagnostic Dilemmas (both volumes), A Clinical Approach to e Patient (both volumes), 2013 Clinical Practice Guidelines Compendium, and Case Management: Meet the Professor (2013 and 2012 volumes). The eBooks can then be purchased in full. There will also be a new learning management system integrated with online training activities for members, which will be launched in the coming months. Also, you will soon be able to access all Society publications via your phone, tablet, or other portable device. All these upgrades are just a part of the effort to help you get the information you need in a manner that is most convenient for you.

A migration of this magnitude requires significant collaboration across the Society, but particularly between Information Technology, Society Services, Marketing, Publications, and the Web team, in addition to a host of technology vendors. Our team has worked diligently on this “technology reboot,” and I’m proud of their efforts to enhance member value, which is one of the core areas of our Strategic Plan.

Please check out the new system (if you haven’t already), and let me know what you think by emailing me at [email protected].

Teresa K. Woodruff, PhD
President, Endocrine Society

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