2014 Laureate Awards winners announced

Heinz Center Recognizes
Society’s Pioneering Work on EDCs

President-Elect Santen Gives Remarks

On October 2, the H. John Heinz III Center for Science, Economics and the Environment sponsored a high-profile event titled “Presidents for Prevention.” The event was supported by the Forsythia Foundation and held at 101 Constitution Avenue in Washington, D.C., amidst the early chaos of the government shutdown. Despite the unexpected challenges brought on by the shutdown, the room was filled with interested and engaged individuals from key stakeholder groups.

The Heinz Center honored the Society, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, and American Society of Reproductive Medicine for their dedication to improving public health through increased awareness of environmental contributors to disease. The Heinz Center and fellow honorees unanimously recognized the Society’s pioneering role in bringing the issues of chemical contaminants into the mainstream through all its efforts to raise awareness of endocrine disrupting chemicals.

President-elect Richard Santen, MD, represented the Society, giving remarks about the Society’s dedication to increasing knowledge of endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and their effects. Society members John Peterson (Pete) Myers, PhD, and Tracey Woodruff, PhD, are active in efforts to raise awareness of EDCs — working both with the Society and independently — and were instrumental in planning and coordinating the event. CEO Scott Hunt and Senior Director of Advocacy and Policy Programs Mila Becker also attended on behalf of the Society.

Society Instrumental in Advancing Global EDC Action

The Endocrine Society is committed to improving awareness and understanding of EDCs in the U.S. and globally. Since the 2009 release of its Scientific Statement on EDCs, the Society has advocated for more research on EDCs and for the endocrine perspective to be incorporated into chemical risk assessment paradigms.

In August, the Society participated in an important policy meeting in Mexico City to convey its messages to officials in the Latin American and Caribbean region. Meeting participants, comprising representatives of more than 25 countries, industry, and civil society, passed a resolution to advance regional knowledge of EDCs under the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM), a global policy framework to protect people and the environment from hazardous chemicals. Introduced by IPEN (International POPs Elimination Network), the resolution calls for concrete action pursuant to a 2012 decision by SAICM’s governing body on the need to protect “humans, ecosystems, and their constituent parts” around the world from EDCs. It is an important step in raising awareness of EDCs among global policymakers; it will be a foundation for discussions in the upcoming regional SAICM meetings in Europe, Africa, and Asia to be held through early 2014. IPEN has indicated that the Society’s presence and commitment to this issue are very influential in advancing key policy actions such as this resolution.

The Society can only accomplish its global policy goals through the dedication of its members. For this meeting, Society member Patricia Joseph-Bravo, PhD, served as the Society’s regional representative, networking with prospective partners and identifying steps to improve knowledge in her home country of Mexico. As a first step, Joseph-Bravo has initiated discussions with colleagues to institute a monitoring program to identify sources of exposure to EDCs in Mexico City. Such a program would be a big step forward in increasing awareness of the risks of EDC exposure in the area.

Society member R. Thomas Zoeller, PhD, presented evidence of EDC effects in humans, drawing heavily from the recent report from the World Health Organization and United Nations Environment Program, on which Zoeller served as a primary editor. He also presented information from The Endocrine Society’s 2012 Statement of Principles and from reports published in the Society’s journals.

EndoCareers How to Expedite the Process of Translational Medicine From Discovery Into Action

The term “translational research” first appeared in PubMed in 1993, and since then, more than 9,000 citations can be found with the terms “translational medicine” or “translational research.” Given the fact that translational medicine is a new discipline, this is a remarkable achievement.

There are many definitions for translational medicine or translational research. Perhaps the broadest definition is from the NIH, which defines translational research as “the process of applying discoveries generated during research in the laboratory (preclinical studies) to the development of trials and studies in humans, and then enhancing the adoption of best practices in the community.”

This process of translation from the laboratory to clinical practice, then to the community and back, involves a wide array of professionals such as basic scientists, biotechnologists, clinicians, financial investors, ethicists, regulators, policy-makers, and politicians.

Why is Translational Medicine Important?

There are many obstacles in the process by which traditional research is conducted and translated into reallife applications. Research is compartmentalized: Basic scientists are not generally trained to think of the clinical application of their work; clinicians are often not taught to formulate research studies based on clinical observations; public health scientists may not have a strong background in basic or clinical research (but have the knowledge of the community the other two groups may lack); and policy-makers/politicians do not understand the research process.

Essentially, there is no effective communication between the professionals involved in the different steps of research, making the translation into real-life applications lengthy, ineffective, and expensive. Most potential drugs do not make it to market, creating what is known as a “valley of death,” where ideas die for lack of funding.

The importance of translational medicine on human health has been wisely delineated in an editorial by Fontanarosa and DeAngelis in 2002 in JAMA: “Effective translation of the new knowledge, mechanisms, and techniques generated by advances in basic scientific research into new approaches for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of disease is essential for improving health.”

By promoting the development of new methods and approaches that allow effective interactions between professionals and researchers across disciplines, translational medicine promotes the movement away from a small-scale industry of individual efforts to a systematic, cross-disciplinary effort. In that way, translational medicine turns research into one smooth and rapid process of discovery, clinical application, and public knowledge. Ultimately, research breakthroughs can become available to humanity sooner and at lower costs.

Beginning in 2000, translational medicine gained prominence and appeared in several hundred articles each year. In the U.S., the NIH launched the CTSA (Clinical and Translational Science Awards) program to construct a consortium of 60 Clinical and Translational Science Centers (CTSCs) at universities and medical centers across the country, aiming at making translational research an integral part of biomedical research. In addition, several translational research journals have been created to spread knowledge that is able to fill the gaps of both basic and human research.

Where Does Translational Medicine Fit in Endocrinology?

The Endocrine Society, a trans-disciplinary society that fosters endocrine research at all stages, has a strong track record in supporting translational research and in promoting the integration between basic and clinical researchers, leading to the acceleration of discovery and to its application toward human health. The Endocrine Society acknowledges the importance of the CTSA program and has been providing input to the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) on how to better structure and position the CTSA program.

Multidisciplinary articles are published by all of The Endocrine Society’s journals, and translational studies are particularly highlighted in Translational Endocrinology & Metabolism, Hormones and Cancer (published by Springer in cooperation with The Endocrine Society), and Translational Research in Endocrinology & Metabolism, all freely accessible by members. Moreover, in the last few years, sessions at our Annual Meeting have been categorized into Basic, Clinical, and Translational, making it easy for attendees to identify translational endocrinology sessions.

— Gilberto Paz-Filho, MD is research fellow and convenor of the Master of Translational Medicine Program, The Australian National University.


The joint meeting of the International Society of Endocrinology and The Endocrine Society,ICE/ENDO 2014, promises to be the world’s largest meeting of endocrinologists. Breakthrough endocrine research and clinical practice with a global perspective will be center stage at this year’s meeting. You will not want to miss the premier plenary speakers and the more than 80 Meet-the-Professor, 80 symposia, and numerous Year In, Master Clinician, and Clinical Practice Guideline sessions.

Take the Stage at ICE/ENDO 2014

Is your research ready for the big stage? ICE/ENDO 2014, coming to Chicago in June, is a rare opportunity to gain exposure for your work and experience presenting at the world’s largest gathering of endocrinologists.

Conference registration is open, and abstract submission will open Dec. 3.

Advance your career, communicate your work, and refine ideas for publication. The conference also enables you to share ideas with peers while connecting with potential mentors and exploring future training possibilities.

Get Your 15 Minutes of Fame

The highest rated abstracts atICE/ ENDO 2014 earn 15 minutes of oral presentation time — and the undivided attention of leading endocrinologists from all over the world. Honorable mentions win three minutes at the podium at poster previews. Accepted abstracts not selected for oral presentations will secure poster space atICE/ENDOExpo.

Abstract authors are guaranteed to receive more exposure in an online abstract supplement to Endocrine Reviews, the top-ranking journal in JCR’s Endocrinology and Metabolism category.

Basic, translational, and clinical research abstracts and clinical case reports are being accepted in all areas of endocrinology.

Wanted: Clinical Trials

Submitting your clinical trial abstract is now the quickest route to publication. Thanks to the Clinical Trials Express program, you’ll receive expedited review for the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. Benefits include:
• Speedy, expert peer-review
• Publication in the most highly cited endocrinology and metabolism journal
• Online publication within four weeks of acceptance

World-Class Professional Development

If you’re an early career professional, fellow, or student, The Endocrine Society will help you make your mark in the field. Our awards and grants for promising research include, but are not limited to:
• The Endocrine Society’s Outstanding Abstract Awards
• Eugenia Rosenberg Abstract Awards
• Mara E. Lieberman Travel Grants

You can also explore continuing education opportunities and compete in the Presidential Poster Competition — a can’t-miss chance to make your presence known.

Get Started Today

Don’t miss this unrivaled opportunity to showcase your work and accelerate your career. To submit your abstracts and register to attend ICE/ENDO 2014, visitwww.ice-endo2014.org.


On September 24, Endocrine Society CEO Scott Hunt spoke before the District of Columbia’s Committee on Finance & Revenue regarding over $15 million in taxexempt revenue bonds that would finance a portion of the cost of the Society’s move from its current location in suburban Maryland into Washington D.C.

Hunt, a District resident for almost 30 years, said that he was pleased to bring the Society “from the suburbs to my city, in the heart of town.” Accompanying Hunt to make his case in the council chamber at the John A. Wilson Building were Society COO John Heberlein and legal counsel Richard Newman of Arent Fox.

According to Hunt, the Society would use the proceeds of the bonds to finance the majority of the costs associated with the purchase, build-out, and equipping a portion of the new headquarters located at 2055 L Street NW. The Society will acquire the sixth floor of the building on November 1; the move-in is scheduled for February 2014. “The bonds would allow the Society to reduce its costs, without adding any direct or indirect financial burden or risk to the District government or its citizens,” Hunt explained.

Councilperson Jack Evans, who represents Ward 2, serves as the chair of the Committee on Finance and Revenue and presided over the meeting. “I am pleased to have a company of your stature move into D.C.,” he said, adding that he was pleased to put his support behind the bond issue.

When the Society makes the move into the District, it will literally be right next door to another major medical society, the American Society of Hematology, and within a short walk or cab ride of several others including the American College of Cardiology, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the Society for Neuroscience among many more. “The Society’s presence will reinforce to other peer societies the value of being located in the District,” Hunt said.


The Endocrine Society has two great new technology advances that will help both you and Society staff— a new database and a new online store.

The database, powered by Avectra’s netFORUM software, is a key component of “Direction IV: Capacity to Lead” in Strategic Plan III. This new technology allows the Society to better serve the many diverse needs of our members. It also allows you to easily find pertinent information on the website, locate likeminded professionals, and update your profile and account information whenever you like. You can now use either your Member ID or email address to log on and will be prompted to update your password the first time you sign in.

The new online store lets you check out fast and easy with a new single-page checkout process — you’ll be amazed at how quickly you can complete transactions. Plus, there are lots of great new products to discover!

Visit endocrine.org to see the improvements and endocrine.org/store to explore all of the products available.

Announcing the 2014 Laureate Award Winners

It gives me great pleasure to announce the 2014 Laureate Award recipients and congratulate each on their outstanding accomplishments. The Endocrine Society’s Laureate Awards are presented in recognition of extraordinary achievements in the field of endocrinology. Award recipients are the top clinical and basic scientists, innovators, leaders, educators, and practitioners whose dedication and accomplishments are unmatched. The winners will be honored at ENDO in Chicago, June 21–24, 2014. The 2015 Call for Nominations is now open! To nominate and learn more about the exciting changes to the Laureate Awards, visit www.endocrine.org/laureate.


Fred Conrad Koch Award
George P. Chrousos, MD
Robert H. Williams
Distinguished Leadership Award
Leslie J. DeGroot, MD
Sidney H. Ingbar
Distinguished Service Award
Elliot J. Rayfield, MD
Distinguished Educator Award
John P. Bilezikian, MD
Distinguished Physician Award
Robert G. Dluhy, MD
Outstanding Achievement
in Endocrine Science Award
Ming-Jer Tsai, PhD
Sophia Tsai, PhD

Outstanding Clinical Practitioner
Paul M. Copeland, MD
International Excellence Award
Yutaka Seino, MD
Edwin B. Astwood Award Lecture
Domenico Accili, MD
Gerald D. Aurbach Award Lecture
Peter J. Tontonoz, MD, PhD
Roy O. Greep Award Lecture
David M. Altshuler, MD, PhD
Clinical Investigator Award Lecture
James A. Fagin, MD
Ernst Oppenheimer Award
W. Lee Kraus, PhD
Richard E. Weitzman Memorial Award
Antonio Moschetta, MD, PhD

Endocrine Society and AACE Recommend Best Practices in Choosing Wisely Campaign

The Endocrine Society was joined by the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE) in releasing a list on October 16 of five procedures, tests, or treatments that are often overused and should be given serious consideration by physicians and patients before being used.

The list is part of the American Board of Internal Medicine Foundation’s Choosing Wisely campaign, which aims to promote conversations between physicians and patients by helping patients choose care that is supported by evidence, not duplicative of other tests or procedures already received, free from harm, and truly necessary. Nearly 60 organizations have participated in the Choosing Wisely campaign.

The recommendations identified by the joint task force include:
• Avoid routine multiple daily self-glucose monitoring in adults with stable type 2 diabetes on agents that do not cause hypoglycemia.
• Don’t routinely measure 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D unless the patient has hypercalcemia or decreased kidney function.
• Don’t routinely order a thyroid ultrasound in patients with abnormal thyroid function tests if there is no palpable abnormality of the thyroid gland.
• Don’t order a total or free T3 level when assessing levothyroxine (T4) dose in hypothyroid patients.
• Don’t prescribe testosterone therapy unless there is biochemical evidence of testosterone deficiency

“These recommendations give endocrinologists a platform to engage patients in important discussions about their health and the benefits of various treatment options,” says Endocrine Society President Teresa K. Woodruff, PhD. “We are pleased to be empowering patients and physicians to be true partners in determining the wisest course of care for each individual.”

Members of The Endocrine Society along with representatives of AACE formed a joint task force to identify tests or procedures that should only be used in specific circumstances. With input from members of the Society’s Council, Clinical Affairs Core Committee, and AACE’s Board of Directors and other leaders, the task force selected the final list based on the amount of evidence supporting each item, the value of the recommendation to practitioners, and the potential for cost savings.

Society members who worked on compiling this list were Robert Lash, MD, (chair), Nelson Watts, MD, Steve Nagelberg, MD, Grazia Aleppo, MD, Fran Kaiser, MD, Daniel Einhorn, MD, FACP, FACE, Doug Ross, MD, and J. Woody Sistrunk, MD.

To learn more about Choosing Wisely and to view the complete lists and additional detail about the recommendations and evidence supporting them, visit www. ChoosingWisely.org.



Beginning in January 2014, Molecular Endocrinology will only be available in the format that appeals most to its readers: online, linked, and easily searchable. December 2013 is the last issue of Molecular Endocrinology that will be published in print format.

Members won’t need to adjust anything — this will happen automatically and the online subscription will be noted during the annual membership renewal. Members who receive a print copy of the journal will be given the option to switch to another print journal or choose online-only access.

Molecular Endocrinology online — enhanced search ability, efficient functionality, and now it’s going green, too!

Questions? Please contact Society Services via email at [email protected] or via phone at +1.301.941.0210 (1.888.363.6762 toll-free in the U.S.), Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. ET.

Subscribers will have an option to purchase hard copies of the journal using a print-on-demand feature.


Diabetes insipidus, also called DI, is a rare condition that leads to frequent urination and is characterized by excessive thirst, despite drinking plenty of fluids. The Hormone Health Network’s fact sheet,Diabetes Insipidus, explains how the kidneys and bladder typically regulate fluids in the body and how the different forms of DI can disrupt this system by lowering sodium levels in the blood, which can lead to headache, nausea, confusion, seizures or, in rare cases, death. The four main types of DI are listed, including their causes and specific treatment options. While long-term outlook depends on the type of DI, the fact sheet reassures patients that most adults do not have serious problems unless they do not have access to water or other fluids. Brief definitions and a list of suggested questions help patients have more informed conversations with their doctors.

Visit www.hormone.org to view this fact sheet and sign up for Hormone Hotline, our monthly e-update, for the latest news on Hormone Health Network publications and events.

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