Society journal studies

The following studies, among others, will be published in Endocrine Society journals. Before print, they are edited and posted online in each journal’s Early Release section. You can access the journals at

Daily or Cyclical Teriparatide Treatment in Women with Osteoporosis on No Prior Therapy and Women on Alendronate • Felicia Cosman, Jeri W. Nieves, Marsha Zion, Patricia Garrett, Simon Neubort, David Dempster, and Robert Lindsay • Cyclic TPTD over two years improves BMD similarly to daily treatment in women who remain on ALN, despite only 50% of the TPTD dose. However, there does not appear to be a BMD advantage to cyclic administration in treatment-naïve women for up to 24 months.

Effects of Denosumab and Calcitriol on Severe Secondary Hyperparathyroidism in Dialysis Patients with Low Bone Mass • Chien-Liang Chen, Nai-Ching Chen, Huei-Lung Liang, Chih-Yang Hsu, Kang-Ju Chou, Hua-Chang Fang, and Po-Tsang Lee • Denosumab allows for supra-physiologic doses of calcitriol resulting in decreased parathyroid secretion and parathyroid hyperplasia. Supervised administration and weekly laboratory and clinical monitoring of serum calcium are recommended during the first month to prevent hypocalcemia.

Therapeutic Effectiveness of Screening for Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 2A • Andreas Machens and Henning Dralle • Screening efforts need to focus on sporadic-appearing MTC to deplete the pool of unrecognized carriers of ATA level B and A mutations and enable earlier pre-emptive thyroidectomy in their offspring.

Aberrant TGFβ Signaling Contributes to Dysregulation of Sphingolipid Metabolism in Intrauterine Growth Restriction • Sarah Chauvin, Yoav Yinon, Jing Xu, Leonardo Ermini, Julien Sallais, Andrea Tagliaferro, Tullia Todros, Martin Post, and Isabella Caniggia • Altered TGFβ signaling in IUGR placentae causes dysregulation of sphingolipid metabolism, which may contribute to the increased trophoblast cell death typical of this pathology.

Control of Polyamine Biosynthesis by Antizyme Inhibitor 1 is Important for Transcriptional Regulation of Arginine Vasopressin in the Male Rat Hypothalamus • Michael P. Greenwood, Mingkwan Greenwood, Julian F. R. Paton, and David Murphy • The authors have identified Azin1, and hence by inference polyamines, as novel regulators of the expression of the AVP gene.

OPG Treatment Prevents Bone Loss During Lactation But Does Not Affect Milk Production or Maternal Calcium Metabolism • Laleh Ardeshirpour, Cristina Dumitru, Pamela Dann, John Sterpka, Joshua VanHouten, Wonnam Kim, Paul Kostenuik, and John Wysolmerski • These studies demonstrate that RANKL signaling is a requirement for bone loss during lactation, and suggest that osteoclast activity may be required to increase osteoblast numbers during lactation in preparation for the recovery of bone mass after weaning. These data also demonstrate that maternal bone loss is not absolutely required to supply calcium for milk production unless dietary calcium intake is inadequate.

Adrenal Development in Mice Requires GATA4 and GATA6 Transcription Factors • Sergei G. Tevosian, Elizabeth Jiménez, Heather M. Hatch, Tianyu Jiang, Deborah A. Morse, Shawna C. Fox, and Maria B. Padua • These results reveal a requirement for GATA factors in adrenal development and provide a novel tool to characterize the transcriptional network controlling adrenocortical cell fates.

Central Fibroblast Growth Factor 21 Browns White Fat via Sympathetic Action in Male Mice • Nicholas Douris, Darko Stevanovic, Ffolliott M. Fisher, Theodore I. Cisu, Melissa J. Chee, Ngoc Ly Nguyen, Eleen Zarebidaki, Andrew C. Adams, Alexei Kharitonenkov, Jeffrey S. Flier, Timothy J. Bartness, and Eleftheria Maratos-Flier • These data indicate that FGF21 can signal in the brain to activate the sympathetic nervous system and induce adipose tissue thermogenesis.

Minireview: Role of Intracellular Scaffolding Proteins in the Regulation of Endocrine G Protein-coupled Receptor Signaling • Cornelia Walther and Stephen S.G. Ferguson • This review focuses on GPCR interacting PSD95-Disc Large-Zona Occludens (PDZ) domain containing scaffolds in the regulation of endocrine receptor signaling as well as their potential role as therapeutic targets for the treatment of endocrinopathies.

Homeodomain Proteins SIX3 and SIX6 Regulate Gonadotrope-specific Genes During Pituitary Development • Huimin Xie, Hanne M. Hoffmann, Jason D. Meadows, Susan L. Mayo, Crystal Trang, Sunamita S. Leming, Chiara Maruggi, Shannon W. Davis, Rachel Larder, and Pamela L. Mellon • In summary, SIX3 and SIX6 play distinct but compensatory roles in regulating transcription of gonadotrope-specifi c genes as gonadotrope cells differentiate.

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