January’s Issue Highlights

Welcome to the newly refurbished Endocrine News. Inside you will still find the latest in endocrinology trends and news but updated with infographics that provide further clarity on a particular topic. Also new are “OnPoint” call-out boxes detailing Society ongoings (e.g., guidelines, fact sheets, webinars, etc.) related to a particular issue covered in an article.

Speaking of coverage, this month is packed with a variety of thought-provoking articles. Our cover story by Eric Seaborg on belly fat chronicles that it’s not just how much adipose tissue one has but where that might make a difference in one’s health (page 12).

Puberty is rough for most kids, but for those with gender identity disorder, this period can be even tougher if the proper treatment and guidance are not provided. One suggested approach for transgender children, reported by Jacqueline Ruttimann, Ph.D., would be to use puberty-blocking drugs, essentially putting puberty on hold until the patient is of age to make an informed decision about transitioning to another gender (page 16).

They already are the work horses of the research world, but what if mice could one day help a physician choose which treatment to give to a particular diabetes or cancer patient? Susan Perry describes how mice could one day act as “stand-ins” for real patients to avoid giving unsuccessful therapies (page 28). We hope you enjoy this month’s issue. Please let us know at [email protected] what you think of the changes.

Eleanore Tapscott
Senior Director of Publications

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