Case of the Month: Endocrine Board Review

endocrine board review

This issue highlights Endocrine Board Review. Test your clinical knowledge and prepare for your exam. Available on the online store.

Clinical Vignette

A 27-year-old woman with a 10-year history of Hashimoto hypothyroidism has been trying to become pregnant and is now 1 week late for her menses. A home pregnancy kit had a positive result. Thyroid function tests 1 month ago documented a serum TSH value of 1.2 mIU/L. Her primary care physician requests your management advice.


Which of the following recommendations is most appropriate?

  1. Decrease levothyroxine to achieve a target TSH concentration of 2.5 mIU/L
  2. Continue the current levothyroxine dosage
  3. Increase levothyroxine by 30%
  4. Increase levothyroxine by 40%
  5. Increase levothyroxine by 50%